The choice of available fonts is not longer limited to a pathetic pop-up list, it is now carried out with a full screen list. You can see the samples of the selected font - for example, "Company Name" in any color, style and size of font. The list of fonts available for viewing is not limited to the set fonts only, you can also see the not preset fonts from any folder and any disk.
The leverage is well known but I will allow myself to remind you what it is. By using a lever you go a longer distance, but benefit in the applied strength. It's not accidental that this effective principal is successfully used by crooks - they use jemmy to pick locks and bolts. So why not use the lever principle for your own goals?
Advanced Font Viewer - this is your lever. As you could guess from the title, it is a program for working with fonts. Fonts are used everywhere where it is needed to transfer the information through text, i.e. any website, book, magazine, newspaper, greeting card, commercial, banner...Fonts surround us all day long and throughout our whole lives. Such wide use of fonts in our everyday life was caused by a huge variety of them. So, what's the way to cope with this wide selection and make the right choice of a font?
A lot of people limit their choice to the font selection tools that are built into their programs, and don't even suspect that they could use the leverage here - they could use a program created specially for these purposes. This is a logical continuation of the main program functions that strongly increases your abilities in the choice of fonts and gives this task a previously unknown convenience.
The choice of available fonts is not longer limited to a pathetic pop-up list, it is now carried out with a full screen list. You can see the samples of the selected font - for example, "Company Name" in any color, style and size of font. The list of fonts available for viewing is not limited to the set fonts only, you can also see the not preset fonts from any folder and any disk.
You can try the program out and see for yourself that the program options are not limited to the ones mentioned above.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Advanced Font Viewer - A Lever That Strengthens Your Creative Effort
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